Yesterday was a routine day. Bhola had gone to Godda after filling in at school for Nilambar. He came back in the evening. In the meanwhile, the others went about their usual business. Khagen and Bansi put some sand on the wet patches on the path in front of the classrooms.
No village visit. But Fanka from Roldih came to see me about borrowing some money to buy tin sheets. I told him I couldn't lend him money. But if it was roofing sheets he needed, then he should call a meeting of the villagers and we would work out a way. He said he needed the sheets right away and hence wanted to borrow the money. I asked him to come back later and meanwhile I would arrange for some shopkeeper in Devdand to give him credit for a few days. I also told him there's work to be done around the project and if he could come and work I would pay him. He didn't come back. It's obvious he was trying his luck.
Today too, it was school as usual except that I suddenly noticed that Kartik had spots all over his body. I asked him what it was. He said nothing. The others informed me that he has chicken pox! In fact, everyone on the project except me knew that he had chiken pox. And because they saw that I was not bothered about it, they too kept quiet! Of course, I sent him home immediately. He was reluctant to go and so I had to gently explain to him that he needs rest and that being out in the heat and the sun would make things worse for him. Also, I explained he had to behave responsibly. There are many other children in school without proper vaccination. They could get chicken pox too. It would not be fair on them. I hope it's not too late. He and his classmates sit rather close in computer class -- literally rubbing shoulders. I am praying that my lack of observation is not going to lead to an epidemic in school!
I've been checking the attendance registers. And I am shocked! It seems the teachers have not been keeping proper attendance! Kids who have been coming to school regularly have been marked absent. And those who have been absent have been marked present! Now I'm wondering how classes are being conducted. I'm usually too busy shuttling between classes 3 and 4 to pay much attention to what's going on in Nursery, 1 and 2. I despair.
Will someone send me some rain please? I desperately need to cool off. Perhaps a bath will be a good substitute. Even though I've had a wash in the morning, I feel so sticky and dirty right now that it seems I haven't had a wash for over a week!
Rain will come to Kolkata within 24 hours so I guess u will also get some rain at the project soon. Also, please remember to check the 5 lines i gave as homework in social studies. I am curious to know what they will write.
They wrote five sentences instead. Almost all sentences were like this: I LIKE TO EAT BANANAS. I LIKE TO EAT RICE. I LIKE TO EAT MANGOES. I LIKE TO EAT DAL. I LIKE TO EAT POTATOES. :-)
I've asked them to redo their work. Will check again and let you know.
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