Sunday, June 21, 2009

Trust an Englishman to bring rain with himself. Richard stepped onto the project and it started raining! It didn't last long and there certainly wasn't enough of it. But we saw rain after ages. And we got some respite from the oppressive heat. The temperature yesterday was 46 degrees Celsius. I'm sure today it was about 48C in the sun. It was 42C in the shade before it rained.

It hasn't helped much. It has become extremely humid. I am praying that it means that we will probably get more rain. I'm taking my chances and sleeping outside. It's impossible to sleep indoors. Richard is sleeping on the verandah. I think he'll die if he sleeps indoors. It's just too hot and I am concerned about him. Locals, who are used to the heat, are finding it impossible to deal with it. How can we expect someone from cold and wet England to adjust to this impossible heat?

I'm glad he's here and just in time too. Now that we don't have Nilambar, he can fill in for him. Hopefully by the time he leaves (mid-July probably) we'll have someone else to fill in for him. And if no one comes, I can always ask Class 4 to come in the evening to study. I've already talked to them about this possibility and they have quite readily agreed to it.

It's been a relaxed day. Sunday. Suman went about his work quietly. I fiddled around with the computer. Downloaded Yahoo Messenger so that I could set up a video chat with someone to show the kids how it works. Skype isn't working well for some odd reason that I can't fathom. Yahoo is working, but the connection here is so bad that it is not possible to carry on a meaningful conversation with anyone. At least I'll be able to show the kids how it's done.

Bhola had gone to fetch Richard and so was away all day. His wife should deliver either tonight or within a couple of days. I'm glad he's staying at home to be close to his wife. Khagen -- who arrived in the afternoon -- and Suman are managing things quite well. I hope they'll be able to learn some English from Richard in exchange of teaching him Hindi.

It's suddenly cooler.... is rain on its way?

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