I think Khagen was very happy to have the kids come over in the evening. Instead of playing carrom, as they usually do, they were all in the classrooms playing with the toys. There are stuffed dolls of all shapes and sizes. A few wind-up cars and battery operated cars, motorcycles and dolls. Stuff that these children would never have seen or even heard of.
It was nice to see 87 happy and excited faces. There were a few sqabbles too! But I put an end to it by explaining that the toys were for the whole school and everyone could play with them. The toys would remain in the classrooms and whenever they were free they could help themselves to them. The girls in classes 3 and 4 wanted the same pink doll. Things got a bit sticky till I said I would take away the doll if they sqabbled over it. Interestingly no one stepped out of their classrooms even during break!
And just as well. It has probably been the hottest day of the year! Clear skies. Lots of sunshine and hot winds. No respite even under the shade of the giant banyan. Even now, after sundown, it is nearly 40C. When will we get some rain?
The sky had been overcast since afternoon yesterday and when I went to bed under it, I had thought I'd probably have to rush indoors in the middle of the night. But it did not rain. And when I woke up this morning there was no trace of any clouds! It's getting unbearable. Tempers are running high. If it doesn't rain soon, we are all going to go crazy.
Ah! Some cool breeze at last. Even if it rains in the vicinity, I'll be happy. At least the breeze will be cooler.
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