Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I'm back on the project. I arrived this morning just as school was ending. That's because my bus was late leaving Kolkata and hence late getting to Godda. The journey went off ok. The driver was new and so drove rather slowly. Also, we had a flat just as we were leaving Dumka.

I didn't get any stomach cramps while on the bus. For this I was very grateful. But the medicine I took did put me to sleep and so for the the first time, I did actually sleep most of the time!

Nothing much has happened on the project while I was away. Still no well-diggers. And Bhola has not been able to find people interested in going to Delhi for the Intel Learn Trainning Programme. I suppose he was stuck here on the project while I was away and so could not do much else.

Everyone took leave while I was away. Nilambar went to Pahargama (also his home) for a job interview. He got the job and will be leaving the project by the end of this month. He'll be getting 1640 per month. No food. No accommodation. That's an eye-opener. Apparently that's the salary of private school teachers in and around Godda. In comparision, we do pay very well indeed! And they get free accommodation and food. No compromise there!

Bansi too went home for a day. So did Suman. And Bhola too had to attend to his wife who is due to have a baby. The baby was expected on the 14th. But no signs of him/her wanting to make an entry into this world as yet! Khagen was the only one who did not go on leave while I was away. I wonder what has been happening in school. I guess I will know tomorrow.

The box of toys that Jayotsana sent has finally reached the project. I opened it this afternoon and I know the kids are going to be thrilled with them. I played with a few racing cars when there was no one around. I also brought the printer that I bought for the project. I'll set it up tomorrow. Today, I set up the new Solar Charge Controller for a second set of batteries. Our power needs are adequately taken care of for the moment. I don't know if we'll need more panels when the Intel laptops arrive. In fact, there was a meeting today and I guess I know soon when we can have them here on the project. Since the laptops won't have Hard Disks and OS, it will take a while before Rahul is able fix them and then actually ship them across to me.

Unfortunately, I could not bring the shirt material that Mrs Jayati Goswami donated for the children. In any case I am planning to distribute them towards the end of the year. So they can be picked up later. I'm sure I'll be making a few trips to Kolkata before the year is out.

But right now I am staying put on the Ashram. It's sooooooo hot here these days. Today it was almost 40C in the shade! I dread to think what it might have been in the sun. I didn't bother to find out. It was an effort to move. Besides I was tired after the journey.

I thought my stomach was cured. But it doesn't seem like it. As I write this, I'm getting stomach cramps all over again. I guess I'll have to sign off now.

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