Monday, June 29, 2009

The sky has been overcast since last night. But there was no rain till this afternoon. I wouldn't call it rain. A drizzle which barely wet the surface of the earth. Had there been sun, it would have evaporated immediately. And even now, an hour after the event, there's no moisture anywhere!

It's cool though. And everyone's wearing a t-shirt. No more bare bodies to be seen. Amazing how a cloud cover and a few drops of rain can change the weather. I'm looking forward to doing my yoga. It's nice and cool and so I won't be sweating much.

The day's been routine actually. Everything is quite relaxed. Suman and Khagen do whatever needs to be done around the place. Not much really besides cooking and cleaning. The kids are watering the plants, putting fertilizer and cleaning up the place during "shram daan". 

Richard, Bhola and Khagen have just stepped out for their village visit. I've asked Richard to bring back some pictures. Let's see what sort of job he does. I'll add a few family photos to the archive that I am working on. 

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