Saturday, December 6, 2008

In Flux

These are my last few days in Kolkata. I have to go back to the project on the 10th though I wish I could be leaving later. But we are expecting a volunteer this month and I'd like to be on the project when he arrives. In fact, I may be travelling back to the project with him.

Not that I don't wish to go back to the project. I do. Very much. I'm missing Roldih very much. Andn this Kolkata trip has lasted a lot longer than what I had initially planned. But then things don't always go according to plan!

I arrived in Kolkata hoping to catch up with mail, send out reports, send out a newsletter and buy a laptop with funding received from Planet Wheeler Foundation. But things did not go as smoothly as expected. To begin with it took me a while to get re-connected to the net. Then we had some problems with Dakshinayan's bankers. Since I am sitting in Kolkata and the bank is in Delhi, it took quite a lot of effort and time to get it all sorted out. And it wasn't till recently that funds were released and I was able to buy a new laptop.

Meanwhile, I did manage to catch up with mail. Send out a newsletter. And set the question papers for the final exams that are going to happen as soon as I get back. Thank God that Mitali is taking care of setting more than half the papers. Without her help I'd be in a tizzy as something totally unexpected has happened -- I have to vacate the flat I have rented in Kolkata.

Quite a lot of my time here has been spent in house-hunting. I've finally found a flat quite near to the place where I am living now. I was supposed to move my belongings today, but the electrician hasn't showed up and the movers just called to inform me they are coming tomorrow. Hmmmm.... things don't go according to plan!

It's really good to be able to get online whenever one wants because of connectivity and electricity. It's such an effort to get connected from the project.... I do hope I will be able to live up to the changed title of this blog -- Dakshinayan Diary. The posts may be few and far in between. But I do hope to keep you posted as and when I can. So watch this space!