Sunday, January 11, 2009

Though it was Sunday. It turned out to be a very hectic day for everyone. The girls spent most of the morning washing clothes and then the afternoon painting more desks and benches. And I was busy with visitors. First to arrive were Sachin from Godda with two ICICI Bank officials who persuaded me to open and account and also invest some money Mutual Funds. How could I say no considering they came all the way to the Ashram. So hopefully I will have an ICICI account soon. This may prove helpful because ICICI has an ATM in Godda and it will be easy to transfer money to the project.

Bhola came as soon as they left. He helped Balai paint while I had lunch. Chatted with him for a while and then as soon as he left I "supervised" the painting. Did a little bit of painting myself. In the evening Ram Prasad came to say hello and talk about the wild elephants that are on a rampage in the region. Apparently a couple of days ago they did pass the project on their way to Burhikura. I was oblivious to the fact and slept through all the excitement! I'm a light sleeper and so I'm surprised that I slept through the bursting of crackers and the drums that the villagers use to frighten away the animals.

A new weeks starts tomorrow. Karoline and Renee have to go to Godda for Police registration. They have been craving fruits... I do hope they'll manage to pick up some while they are there.
I hope Jehangir has managed to find the globes that I need for school. It would be great if he could bring them tomorrow. I should have asked him to bring a few wall maps. But I guess I will leave it for another time.

Time for me to hit the sack. I'm really feeling tired.

1 comment:

Rahul said...

Great to see a daily update from you. Its funny that with multiple mega bits of 24x7 connectivity I never seem to be able to update anything daily and you seem to be able to do with a sub 30kbps erratic cell phone connection :-). Keep it going.