Sunday, January 4, 2009

It's Freezing!

It was 8 degrees Celsius at 4 am. 10 degrees at 6 am and 12 degrees at 8 am. The skies were clear till about 9 am and then came the mist and everything was hidden from view. The sun had alaready come up by then. But it too got lost in the mist. Fortunately, it did not last long and withing 30 minutes we had bright weather again. The sun, however, failed to warm anything.

Admissions to Nursery and Class 1 started at 9:45 and was over by 10:30. Parents had been queuing up outside since 9:00! So the process did not take too long. Hence, we now have 15 children in Class 1 and 23 in Nursery. One more child may join Nursery tomorrow. There are only six children in Class 4. 15 children in Class 3 and 25 children in Class 2. So in all we will have 84 children this year.

I tried a make a routine. But it's not working out and I am wondering how I am going to manage all these classes between Bansi and me. Bansi can teach Hindi and Maths to children in Nursery, Class 1 and 2. But all other subjest have to be taught by me. When we have volunteers (we will have four in January) it won't be too much of a problem. But what afterwards?

It has been a peaceful but hectic Sunday. Admissions in the morning and Bansi and Suman got busy arranging desks and benches for school which starts tomorrow at 9:30 am. Simha went to Cheo for the day and he got back just as we were putting the finishing touches to the classrooms. He then left with Bansi to go to the market.

It's only 5:50 now. But it's dark and cold. The temperature has suddenly dropped to 12 degrees. In couple of hours it will probably touch 10 or even 8 degrees. Only one hour left to dinner. Then off to bed. Hopefully a restful sleep under the warm quilt.

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