The mason came to start repair work on the building where Bansi and Suman stay. Unfortunately, Sohrai -- the major tribal festival in this region -- has started and so there was no labour to be found. This festival could last for weeks as it is not held on any particular day. Each village celebrates it according to their own convenience. So there's no guarantee when work will start. Hopefully tomorrow the masons will manage to find people willing to work.
Meanwhile Balai has started painting the desks and benches. The volunteers painted a few desks in the afternoon. Since tomorrow is a Sunay, we are hoping that almost all the benches and desks may get painted. If not the benches, then at least the desks. Let's see how much is achieved at the end of the day tomorrow. Sunday is the busiest day of the week as it's the day we do all the washing and cleaning etc.
The moon is full tonight and the project is bathed in silver. We decided to end the day with a bonfire after dinner. We lit a fire and sat around chatting and drinking "chai". A good end to a good day.
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