Saturday, August 7, 2010

Bolpur Banter

It's almost 11 a.m. Most people are in their offices and a lucky few on a weekend break. I've been in my "office" since 7:30 and have done precious little to show for it. Feeling "useless" and a bit guilty for not working.

I've been sharing my ideas with people -- Sunil, shopkeepers, people who drop in. I've even offered to teach English to children. So far no one has responded. I'm still wondering how to go about publicizing the fact that I am willing to teach English and other soft skills to people for a nominal fee. The fee is more to ensure that they take me seriously.

Would it have made a difference if I were a woman? YES! Single men -- even old ones -- are looked upon with suspicion. The very first day Mitali was here, she was able to talk to the girl who lives opposite us about home delivery of food. In fact, the girl met us on the street a few days later and gave us the phone number of a food caterer who delivered meals to people. I can't imagine such a thing happening with me. Firstly, if I spoke to the girl she would think I'm wierd! Secondly, she wouldn't go out of the way to give me the phone number.

I'm glad I have Sunil as a neighbour. He drops in every day before going to work to see if I need anything. He arranges for everything -- electrician, newpaper, bike mechanic, optician... I just have to mention I need something and the next thing you know is that he's got it organized. I must find a way to show my gratitude.

Right now I wish I were a woman or at least have a woman here who would help me do a bit of local networking.

I spoke to Tom this morning. He said that both he and Roisin were sad to leave and that they had a great time at Roldih and will be keeping in touch. That's nice. I won't get to meet them as they are taking a bus to Kolkata and not going via Bolpur. And because of the threatened transport strike I don't wish to go to Kolkata and get stuck there. I MUST stay put here for a while and grow some roots.
People should know that I live here. Even though I've taken the place on rent in July, I've hardly lived here!

That's all for now... Time to upload a fresh face for Facebook!

1 comment:

Rajeev Pareek said...

Can you share your exact address, my cousin can visit you once. He is a 1st year student in Bolpur College, I think he can improve his english and soft skill and moreover he can get his friends and local people to you. Let me know your thought on this ?
my mail id is