Poor Richard, he was all set to go to Dama for a village visit. But then today Bhola is busy with some religious ceremony concerning his new-born daughter and hasn't been around all day. Khagen offered to go but I said no because the village visit is not just a jaunt to a village. There's a purpose behind these visits and Bhola, who has been with this programme from the start, should be there. If there's no visit on one day, it's not going to be a disaster. But yes, Richard did miss the opportunity to visit Dama this day. But I'm sure Bhola will be going there at least once before Richard leaves -- probably end of July. That reminds me, I've got to book his train ticket. Yes! I can do it online now that I have a printer. Or technically I should be able to do it.

It's been a relatively cool day. There's been a cloud cover almost all day. Though there was a bit of sunshine for which I am grateful. The battery got charged a bit. That's going to be a major concern over the next few months -- keeping the batteries charged during monsoon. But we are all grateful for the relative cool weather though honestly, there's still be no monsoon rain as such. The farmers are looking very concerned. Any more delay in the monsoon's arrival would mean famine in this region at least. Planting has been delayed by over 3 weeks already.
Suman and Richard giving bio-fertilizer to the plants and trees...
School goes fine. The zombies in Class 3 are showing signs of being human. They are reacting to things! A few of them do actually laugh when I crack a joke. I'm quite happy with the progress that most are making. There's still hope for them. I don't know what's going on in Classes 1 and 2. I remember Class 2 being a bright bunch. I hope they remain that way when they get to me. Richard is doing a good job of keeping them stimulated for the time being.
Khagen digging around a surviving Gulmohar. Preparing the ground for putting cow-dung manure...
The delivery of the fertilizer is complete. Today Richard, Khagen and Suman (and to a small extent me) put fertilizer in all the remaining plants and trees. The school kids had done most of the work during "shram daan". If it rains now, the trees and plants will have enough nourishment. They all look happy at the moment even though they haven't received any water from heaven. I guess they are glad that they are not getting roasted in the sun!
Once it rains, we'll have to go to the nursery and get some more trees to plant. A few more gulmohars would brighten up the place and also provide shade. A few fruit trees. Some timber. Someday, this place will look beautiful when all the trees mature. Will I get to see it?