Wednesday, March 4, 2009

From Kolkata

I'm still in Kolkata. I should have left yesterday or today. But some papers that I need to sign are not ready as yet. So I guess I have to wait. Also, I have not been feeling well. Tonight I'll go to a doctor to see find out if he can tell me what's wrong with me.

I called the project. All is well. Classes are going fine. But Nilambar will be going home from 6th till the 9th. But I suspect that since 11th is Holi, he will definitely not be back till the 13th or maybe even the 15th. Hmmmm.... it seems he's getting married soon. So I have a feeling that he won't last long on the project.

Otherwise everything else is fine. Today I got some cheques from Manas Das. It's some relief. I hope more contributions are on their way. We haven't been able to generate much funds so far.


Sim said...

I'm glad to hear that you are going to a doctor. I know how you feel about them, but if you really are feeling ill you should see one.
I hope everything turns out to be ok.

Manami said...

what's wrong with you? was a doctor able to tell you what was wrong????
hope you are feeling better.

oh, i miss the project and especially the students at Roldih really badly!!!!
i have some pics from the project in my room, and every day before i go to work, i say "i'll go to work, see you soon!" to them.
say hello for me!!

let me know how you are feeling!!

Yvonne said...

What did you learn when you went to the doctor? Hope you are feeling better.