Friday, March 13, 2009

Hills on Fire

The hills are on fire. In every direction that I look, I see necklaces of fire climbing slowly up the hill sides. It’s and incredible and awe-inspiring sight. I can’t describe it in words. I’ve tried to take pictures but somehow I can’t capture the beauty and the grandeur. Not even with a timed shot. I have this desperate wish to share this with someone, anyone....

It’s really nice on the project these days. The weather is good. Not too hot and the nights are pleasantly cold. And it’s beautiful all round. One sees vivid splashes of orange – the palas (flame of the forest) in bloom. And at night the sight of the hills on fire. Actually, they are burning the under-brush.

It’s windy in the mornings. But incredibly at night the air is still. Perhaps that’s why they set fire to the undergrowth at night. Nature does find ways of looking beautiful.

It’s been a routine day otherwise. School was ok. I had a headache since the moment I woke up and it didn’t help when kids in class could not pronounce words like “jet”, or insisted on pronouncing contact as “constance”! Ah, it was one of those days when I found myself yelling and screaming and tearing out my hair.

Bhola came in the morning to take Bansi to the bank. Then he went to Godda to do “things” for us – motorcycle insurance, paying Sachin for supplies, placing food supply order for next month, make a deal with the well-diggers, buy odds and ends. Others on the project seem very happy that they no longer need to take responsibility for anything! As long as they get their breakfast, lunch and dinner, they don’t seem bothered about what’s going on at the project. I wonder if they realize that the project is slowly and steadily being handed over to Bhola? Do they realize they are making themselves redundant?

Well, my headache turned out to be fever. So I slept all afternoon. I’m feeling a bit better after having some herbal medicines. Hopefully, I’ve managed to nip the bud of the problem – most probably malaria.

Let’s see how I feel tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

I bet the project is absolutely beautiful with the flames and blooms all around. You do a good job conveying the scene when you write. And since the camera cannot properly capture it, this will have to do. Thanks for keeping us posted. Please pass on to the children Ms. Novak sends her love and expects them to be focused on learning for the hours they are there each day. : )