Friday, May 22, 2009

It's unbearably hot and humid at the moment. And there's no respite in sight. There are a few clouds floating by. A few look promisingly laden with rain but they don't offload here. Just as well, because I'm sure it will only increase the humidity and the discomfort that goes with it. There's no breeze. So I'm waiting for sunset. It may get cooler then.

It's been a routine day. The heat has made me irritable and the children and the teachers have been at the receiving end. Nothing unusual happened. Bhola has gone to Godda. Hopefully he will get my bike repaired. The one he crashed a couple of weeks ago.

Meanwhile, Khagen, Bansi and Nilambar have been doing some painting work. I notice it has taken three of them almost a whole week to paint 6 windows. I guess it's the perfect excuse to show that they are busy doing something. Anyway, the window grills are getting painted and they are not just lying around in their rooms.

The new well is in action. The kids used it to take water to the toilet and also water the plants. God alone knows when the well-diggers are going to come back and finish the next well. In any case, there's no money in the bank to pay them. So perhaps everything works out for the best.

I'm keeping this entry short. It's just too hot to sit and type. Pray for some rain for us, please.

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