Monday, May 11, 2009

It’s been a week since I got back to Roldih. I arrived back last Monday. The journey was pleasant because it had rained in Kolkata a few hours before I left. In fact, it was quite cold in the bus. But that was it! Ever since I’ve come back it’s been hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!!!! The mercury touches 44 degrees during the day. But thankfully, the nights are pleasant, if not cool. So one is able to get a good night’s rest. But the days are torturous. Having frequent baths provide no respite. The shade of the banyan tree does not provide much succour as the hot winds that blow throughout the day suck away any moisture in the body. It really is horrible here. And I’m glad we don’t have volunteers. I doubt if they would have survived this heat. I am barely managing to hold on to life!
The unrelenting heat is frustrating. And everything else these days. Work on the well has come to a stand-still. Even the first well is incomplete for reasons best known to people who were here. The second well is incomplete because the labourers hit a rock bed and nothing has been done to break up the rocks. It’s true that we don’t have the funds at the moment. But work could have continued. I guess it stopped because people stopped taking any initiative because I was not here.
The project’s routine has gone for a toss. Food is served sometimes half an hour early. Sometimes an hour late. The trees did not receive much water while I was away. And the village visit programme to has stopped! Why? Because the team has apparently visited every student’s home once. Hey! How about another visit? It’s been a month since the last visit. It’s too hot, comes the reply. I agree. But it’s quite pleasant after 6 p.m. So why not go then? In fact, they are more likely to meet the home owners when they go at that time.
This is precisely why I was reluctant to leave. Every time I go away I have to come back and set things right. What will happen to the project when I die? Nilambar has gone to get married and has not come back as yet. Khagen has been going off to attend various weddings. Bhola and Bansi too. The only constant on the project is Suman. What would I do without him? Even now, he seems to be the only one doing any work. The others – Khagen and Bansi – are finished for the day! They are in their rooms relaxing now that classes are over. School from today starts at 6:30 and ends at 9:30 because of the impossible heat wave conditions.
My trip to Bangalore was enjoyable and successful. I was able to bring back the necessary equipment to set up computer classes. Also, I was able to learn how to go about. All thanks to the wonderful people at Intel. I’ve already set up the solar charging unit we start computer classes from tomorrow. The kids are excited. So am I. We will start with class 4 and see how things go.
One positive development that has taken place while I was away is that the kids have started coming to school in the evenings to play. That’s nice. Khagen plays with them and (now that I’m back) waters the trees with their help. He’s also teaching them some free-hand exercises.
The most frustrating part was not being to get online. Till yesterday there was no net connectivity. Apparently the rains that made my journey to the project comfortable also knocked down a few telephone towers. Basic telephony has been restored and I am now able to connect to the net via my Bluetooth mobile phone. It’s very, very expensive. So I am keeping my online forays very brief. The usb modem is still not working.
I’ll try and keep you posted of daily happenings as and when I can. I may not be very regular. But you’ll keep getting news as long as my mobile works.

1 comment:

Sim said...

I'm glad to see the return of your blogs. Mitali said that the storms had blown out connectivity, so I wasn't too worried, but it's still good to have you back.

I like reading the blogs but don't break the bank writing them. I don't think any of your regular followers are going anywhere. I hope the modem begins working again soon.

Good to have you back!