I’m sitting indoors to write this because it’s just too cold outside. I know you don’t believe this after I’ve been moaning about the heat in my last blog. Even I wouldn’t have believed that it could get this cold. In fact, yesterday at this time I had sweat pouring down my back. But it all changed overnight.
It rained this morning just as we finished assembly at 6:30 and got into class. It poured non-stop for till 8:00 am. The rain pounding on the tin roof was deafening and so we couldn’t not have classes. Hence we decided to declare a holiday. The kids were thrilled because it’s the first rain after weeks of hot sun and they were simply dying to get out and get wet.
But what’s amazing how quickly the temperature dropped from 38 degrees to 22! It became chilly and the wind that’s blowing is quite chilly. Suman quickly put on a pullover. I felt quite uncomfortable in my dhoti and kurta. That’s what I wear to stay cool. But this was cold!
Since school got over earlier than usual, Bhola decided to get the volunteers’ rooms cleaned up. It took them an hour or more to clean up the rooms and verandah. I don’t think it had been swept since Sharad was there last. That would make it almost a month! After this Khagen and Bansi put earth on the wet patches on the path in front of the classrooms. That took care of the morning.
There’s no need to water the plants today. In fact, we may not need to water the trees for a couple of days. There’s been adequate rain and from the looks of it, we could expect more rain tonight or even in a couple of hours. The sky is overcast and there’s an ominous cloud bank in the east. For once, I’m not complaining about the rain though I’m a bit upset that I can’t use the solar panels to charge the battery!
Nilambar is not back on the project as yet. He may come this evening. Bhola has been filling in for him and so honestly we didn’t miss him. By the way, Bhola had an accident yesterday. He had gone to Godda to attend a wedding on Sunday night and while he was coming to the project on Monday morning, he crashed into another motorbike. No one was hurt, but I believe the project’s bike (my bike actually) is badly damaged. Well, I’m glad that Bhola suffered no injury. But I am a bit upset about the bike. He should have taken his own bike (he has one) since it was a personal trip and had nothing to do with the project.
Today I got news from Sharad that he has received the contributions sent by Renee and Karoline and he is arranging to have the money sent across to us. This is great news indeed. The weather has improved and hopefully with the money in had we will be able to resume working on the wells. The men who were working on the well are supposed to come to
Did I tell you that the kids are now wearing the “Baba Gyan Mandir” caps as part of their uniform? I brought the caps with me when I came from Kolkata this time. They are very proud of them and wear them all the time! The yellow caps are going to turn black soon.
Right now there are a few kids on the project. They’ve come to play football. The weather is great for the game. And of course, they are also wearing their caps!
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