I’m feeling better, but still not 100%. Must be the change of weather. It’s hot in the morning and cold at nights. And it’s during the night that I feel “ill”. Wish I knew what was wrong. Anyway, I have to travel again tomorrow. I need to be in Kolkata to sign some documents. So I’m off tomorrow, Saturday and will get some rest on Sunday so that I can run around on Monday. I hope to catch the bus back on the 4th. So I should be back on the project on 5th, which is a Thursday.
I am reluctant to leave so soon after getting back here. I was looking forward to settling down to a routine life. I wanted to start Yoga in earnest. And I certainly wanted to be here to give away the weekly and monthly prizes. Also, new timings and new routine will be coming into effect from Monday, 2nd March and I would have liked to be here. But I HAVE to go.
Today was a routine sort of day. Graham started teaching. He’s enjoying it. Thanks to him we did not feel Nilambar’s absence. And I like the way Graham is quietly fitting into the project routine. It’s also nice to have someone to talk to occasionally.
Nilambar was back in the evening by 4. And Suman went home soon after. As usual, Suman should be back by sun-up tomorrow. Wonder if he’ll be back in time to give me my first cup of tea. Perhaps it will be Bansi who will do the honours.
All else is normal. I’ve been a bit preoccupied to get a net connection through Reliance GSM as Airtel is proving to be rather expensive. Their charges are 30p/50kb. So there’s no way of knowing if they are taking users for a ride. This afternoon I downloaded a simple mail and I was online for hardly 3 minutes. They charged me 24 Rupees for it! I’m convinced they are taking us rural folks for a ride.
Well, so I guess there will be no blog entries till I get back. But perhaps while I’m in Kolkata, I will take advantage of the net connection there to send out a newsletter.
News about Dakshinayan's project in Jharkhand's Godda District posted by Siddharth Sanyal and Mitali Chatterjee
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tranquil Thursday
I didn’t sleep well last night. I think I had fever. Or at least I felt feverish and restless. I thought I’d be tired in the moring, but I wasn’t. In fact, I felt good. But now that the sun is down, I’m feeling “not so good”. Don’t really know what’s wrong. I hope I’m not coming in for something serious. Can’t afford to fall ill here.
School went off ok. Graham is fitting in. At least he’s making a lot of effort. He spent time in my class as well as with Nilambar. From tomorrow he may have to start teaching because Nilambar went this afternoon to Poreya Haat where an ex-student of his is appearing for his board exam and needs a bit of extra coaching. He should be back by tomorrow afternoon. So Graham will fill in for him tomorrow. So why not the day after too? I will re-work the routine.
Bhola was here. Sardarji was here. Sardarji is the material supplier. I paid his dues. Bhola, as usual helpful, brought the re-charged battery and the gas cylinder on his way to Chandna Haat weekly market. He even bought vegetables for us and dropped it off on his way back. I paid some of his pending bills too. And we also discussed the well.
It seems the well might cost a lot more than we expected. We are still trying to figure out if it would be better to hire labourers from Roldih or give the whole job to a contractor. Well-digging is tricky business and it may be better to ask experts to undertake the work for us. It may cost a little more. But it certainly would be less hassle. It will be contractor’s responsibility to find the labour and get the work done. We have to take a decision soon as we MUST start digging in the first week of March.
It’s already warm and dry. I won’t say it’s hot. But it is certainly getting hotter every day. Once Holi, the festival of colour is over, summer will set in. Holi is on 11th March. The kids love the festival. I hate it because it’s messy. But like every year, this year too I will try to arrange a Holi colour fest in school. I’ll probably pick up some water pistols and some colour and give it to the kids and watch them have a ball!
From Monday the nursery kids are going to have drawing classes. Yvonne has sent so many coloured markers and crayons that each child will have his/her own colouring set. It should be fun for them.
They have started setting fire to the undergrowth. The hills all round are on fire. It looks quite beautiful from a distance. I’ll try and take some pictures.
School went off ok. Graham is fitting in. At least he’s making a lot of effort. He spent time in my class as well as with Nilambar. From tomorrow he may have to start teaching because Nilambar went this afternoon to Poreya Haat where an ex-student of his is appearing for his board exam and needs a bit of extra coaching. He should be back by tomorrow afternoon. So Graham will fill in for him tomorrow. So why not the day after too? I will re-work the routine.
Bhola was here. Sardarji was here. Sardarji is the material supplier. I paid his dues. Bhola, as usual helpful, brought the re-charged battery and the gas cylinder on his way to Chandna Haat weekly market. He even bought vegetables for us and dropped it off on his way back. I paid some of his pending bills too. And we also discussed the well.
It seems the well might cost a lot more than we expected. We are still trying to figure out if it would be better to hire labourers from Roldih or give the whole job to a contractor. Well-digging is tricky business and it may be better to ask experts to undertake the work for us. It may cost a little more. But it certainly would be less hassle. It will be contractor’s responsibility to find the labour and get the work done. We have to take a decision soon as we MUST start digging in the first week of March.
It’s already warm and dry. I won’t say it’s hot. But it is certainly getting hotter every day. Once Holi, the festival of colour is over, summer will set in. Holi is on 11th March. The kids love the festival. I hate it because it’s messy. But like every year, this year too I will try to arrange a Holi colour fest in school. I’ll probably pick up some water pistols and some colour and give it to the kids and watch them have a ball!
From Monday the nursery kids are going to have drawing classes. Yvonne has sent so many coloured markers and crayons that each child will have his/her own colouring set. It should be fun for them.
They have started setting fire to the undergrowth. The hills all round are on fire. It looks quite beautiful from a distance. I’ll try and take some pictures.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Lost Tree. Lost Cause.
Ramnath called early this morning. He said Nara was planning to cut down the jackfruit tree near the Cheo Centre toilet. What do you want me to do, I asked him. Give him some money so that he does not cut down the tree. I said, it’s no solution. Firstly, I don’t know how much money he needs. Secondly, I’m sure that when I’m gone, Nara or his son will cut down the tree anyway. Besides, you get the villagers to explain that if the tree is left intact, then Nara will have an income from the Jackfruit tree for many years to come. Ramnath seemed despondent. I felt sorry for him. Sorry for the villagers. Sorry that despite so many years of work amongst the Paharias, we have not been able to get them to preserve the forest that they live in.
You can’t call it a forest any more. There was a time when these hills were covered with Jackfruit, mango and mahua trees. There were a lot of timber in the form of sakhua and sagwan. But they have all but disappeared. Huge tamrind trees have disappeared too. The few trees that one sees in and around Cheo are there simply because I had “bought” them at one point of time and the villagers are too scared to cut them down.
But of course I hadn’t “bought” all the trees! And the tree that Nara plans to cut down is not one of “mine”. There’s precious little I can do to stop him. And I don’t think I can continue “buying” trees to protect them. The trees I had “bought” earlier cost 40/50 Rupees two decades ago. Now they won’t sell these tress to me for less than 2/3 thousand per tree! I simply can’t afford it. Besides, if they can’t see the value of preserving the t rees on which their lifestyle depends, who am I to stop them?
Naturally, I’m feeling upset. I know Ramnath is upset. He is one of the few people who understands the need for conservation. The others simply don’t care. I remember once when the Cheo’s headman (now dead) was cutting down some trees I asked him to spare the trees for the next generation. His reply was simple. Who cares what happens to the next generation. I wish to eat, drink and be merry while I am alive!
Graham is here. He arrived earlier than expected. He was at the project at 9:00 am! I was wondering how he got there so early considering the police station opened at 10:30. Then Jehangir, the taxi man explained that he had “bribed” the policeman on duty to “speed up the process”. I was naturally very upset. I don’t want this to become a regular feature. Next thing you know, the cops will start harassing the volunteers simply to get some money out of them!
Anyway, Graham’s here and he’s rearing to “do something”. From tomorrow he’ll spend time with the teachers to familiarize himself with the school and the children. Then from Monday onwards, when the school timings change, he can start teaching in earnest. From Monday school will start at 8:30 and end at 12:30 with a 30 minutes break in between. There will be7 periods.
It’s really expensive to get online. Today my laptop downloaded some updates automatically and it cost me Rs 65! That’s too much. I’m exploring alternatives. This really is working out very expensive.
I’m not feeling very well. My whole body is aching. Is it because of the bus journey? Change of season? Or am I going to have yet another malarial attack? I guess I’ll find out soon.
You can’t call it a forest any more. There was a time when these hills were covered with Jackfruit, mango and mahua trees. There were a lot of timber in the form of sakhua and sagwan. But they have all but disappeared. Huge tamrind trees have disappeared too. The few trees that one sees in and around Cheo are there simply because I had “bought” them at one point of time and the villagers are too scared to cut them down.
But of course I hadn’t “bought” all the trees! And the tree that Nara plans to cut down is not one of “mine”. There’s precious little I can do to stop him. And I don’t think I can continue “buying” trees to protect them. The trees I had “bought” earlier cost 40/50 Rupees two decades ago. Now they won’t sell these tress to me for less than 2/3 thousand per tree! I simply can’t afford it. Besides, if they can’t see the value of preserving the t rees on which their lifestyle depends, who am I to stop them?
Naturally, I’m feeling upset. I know Ramnath is upset. He is one of the few people who understands the need for conservation. The others simply don’t care. I remember once when the Cheo’s headman (now dead) was cutting down some trees I asked him to spare the trees for the next generation. His reply was simple. Who cares what happens to the next generation. I wish to eat, drink and be merry while I am alive!
Graham is here. He arrived earlier than expected. He was at the project at 9:00 am! I was wondering how he got there so early considering the police station opened at 10:30. Then Jehangir, the taxi man explained that he had “bribed” the policeman on duty to “speed up the process”. I was naturally very upset. I don’t want this to become a regular feature. Next thing you know, the cops will start harassing the volunteers simply to get some money out of them!
Anyway, Graham’s here and he’s rearing to “do something”. From tomorrow he’ll spend time with the teachers to familiarize himself with the school and the children. Then from Monday onwards, when the school timings change, he can start teaching in earnest. From Monday school will start at 8:30 and end at 12:30 with a 30 minutes break in between. There will be7 periods.
It’s really expensive to get online. Today my laptop downloaded some updates automatically and it cost me Rs 65! That’s too much. I’m exploring alternatives. This really is working out very expensive.
I’m not feeling very well. My whole body is aching. Is it because of the bus journey? Change of season? Or am I going to have yet another malarial attack? I guess I’ll find out soon.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Another Normal Day

It was Shivratri last night. And there was a “mela” (fair) this morning. Some of the kids must have gone off to the mela because attendance was down to 50%. That’s ok. I guess they are entitled to take off once in a while. Most of the kids absent were from Burhikura though a few of the Santhal kids too did not show up. Everyone loves going to these fairs.
But school went on as per routine despite the fewer kids in each classroom. There were only 3 in class four and 8 in class three – the two classes that I teach. But what bothered me was that Radha’s father came to ask for a holiday! When will these people learn? I’ve told them that they are free not to send their wards to school if there’s a good reason for it. I did not force his daughter to come to school either. She could have been absent like some of the other kids. But then to come to school and have parents coming and asking for the school to declare it a holiday, is a bit too much, I think.
The mornings are still chilly. The day is warm but not unpleasantly hot. The evenings are cool. And the infernal gale. Wonder why it starts up at noon every day and subsides by 3 pm. One can set one’s watch by it! The roofs rattle and it can be very irritating after a while.
Franca said she can’t leave a comment on the blog. I checked and it’s true that unless you have a gmail account or a blog holder yourself, you can’t send a message! What a pain. Does anyone know how to get around it?
The kids were playing with the Frisbee that Yvonne sent. They seemed to enjoy the new toy. Hope they preserve it and not let it fly over the wall!
It’s been a quiet day otherwise. Things are running smoothly at the project. We are expecting a volunteer tomorrow. Hope he gets here without too much trouble.
And sorry Yvonne. There are no palas flowers on the branches. I’m uploading this old photo. Hope this will do.
Monday, February 23, 2009
First Day of the Week
First day of school since my return. I’m still tired and it was quite an effort to teach the last two periods. As soon as school was over, I had a bath, then lunch and went to sleep. Slept till 3:15 and woke up with a headache which is still bothering me. Hope it will go away. Strange that in Kolkata’s polluted atmosphere I suffered no health problems. And as soon as I get back to fresh air, I get a headache!
The weather is strange. It’s cool at night. Chilly in the mornings and hot in the afternoons. Around noon it starts blowing hard and the gales continue till about 3 and then stop as abruptly as they start. The wind is dry but not hot. However, it messes up the whole project. It blows leaves off the trees and the palas flowers. I promised Yvonne that I’d post a picture of a palas in full bloom. Yet when I went to take a photo today I realized that ALL the flowers have been blown off! I can still see a few trees laden down with palas flowers outside the campus. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll take a walk and photograph them. Failing which I’ll put up an old photo.
This evening I opened up the four parcels Yvonne sent us. They were full of crayons, notebooks, pencils and puzzles. I’ve decided to give these to the kids as their monthly attendance gifts. I hope Yvonne won’t mind. With the puzzles Simha left behind and the ones the Yvonne sent we now have enough jigsaw puzzles to keep the nursery and class one kids busy. And for once, we have more than enough crayons to go around and the children can now do some colouring and artwork.
The school timings remain as it is for the time being. We plan to change it from the 1st. We will then have classes starting at 8:30 and we will finish off by 12:30. Today at assembly I noticed that all the children were wearing their uniform. Great.
The good news is that I’ve heard from Amar Subash and Manas Das saying that they will continue to support the project’s work. This is great news indeed. So the hat is not looking empty. Hope I’ll get more good news soon. Today the masons came to discuss the well. We’ll start digging from the 1st of March. Hopefully by the end of March we will have ourselves a well. Let’s see how things shape up.
The weather is strange. It’s cool at night. Chilly in the mornings and hot in the afternoons. Around noon it starts blowing hard and the gales continue till about 3 and then stop as abruptly as they start. The wind is dry but not hot. However, it messes up the whole project. It blows leaves off the trees and the palas flowers. I promised Yvonne that I’d post a picture of a palas in full bloom. Yet when I went to take a photo today I realized that ALL the flowers have been blown off! I can still see a few trees laden down with palas flowers outside the campus. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll take a walk and photograph them. Failing which I’ll put up an old photo.
This evening I opened up the four parcels Yvonne sent us. They were full of crayons, notebooks, pencils and puzzles. I’ve decided to give these to the kids as their monthly attendance gifts. I hope Yvonne won’t mind. With the puzzles Simha left behind and the ones the Yvonne sent we now have enough jigsaw puzzles to keep the nursery and class one kids busy. And for once, we have more than enough crayons to go around and the children can now do some colouring and artwork.
The school timings remain as it is for the time being. We plan to change it from the 1st. We will then have classes starting at 8:30 and we will finish off by 12:30. Today at assembly I noticed that all the children were wearing their uniform. Great.
The good news is that I’ve heard from Amar Subash and Manas Das saying that they will continue to support the project’s work. This is great news indeed. So the hat is not looking empty. Hope I’ll get more good news soon. Today the masons came to discuss the well. We’ll start digging from the 1st of March. Hopefully by the end of March we will have ourselves a well. Let’s see how things shape up.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Back in Roldih
It’s good to be back. And I’m glad all has been well while I have been away. Bansi, Nilambar and Suman must have been very busy cleaning up the place because the project looked very neat and clean when I arrived. But soon there was a strong wind which lasted all afternoon and the whole place got messed up. There were leaves all over the place. I guess the children will have their work cut out for them during “shramdaan” tomorrow.
I’m looking forward to teaching again. It’s been a while and the children of class 4 have suffered the most. I’m sure they are looking forward to having regular classes after this break. Nilambar and Bansi have been teaching all classes except class 4.
I was looking forward to meeting Bruni. But when I arrived she was not there. But when she came back in the evening she was both surprised and happy to see me. Apparently she did not come anywhere near my room ever since I went away. Her pups have grown up. One was taken away by a villager. There are four left now. Chandrama wants one for the Cheo Centre.
Balai completed whitewashing and painting today. I’ve even paid him for his services. I blessed him and told him that now that he has completed the project’s work, he’ll probably get a nice bride soon. He was quite embarrassed and said he has now decided not to get married. I know it’s not true.
Ever since I got back all I’ve been doing is sleep and sleep. It’s going to be back to routine from tomorrow. And you can also expect regular updates.
I’m looking forward to teaching again. It’s been a while and the children of class 4 have suffered the most. I’m sure they are looking forward to having regular classes after this break. Nilambar and Bansi have been teaching all classes except class 4.
I was looking forward to meeting Bruni. But when I arrived she was not there. But when she came back in the evening she was both surprised and happy to see me. Apparently she did not come anywhere near my room ever since I went away. Her pups have grown up. One was taken away by a villager. There are four left now. Chandrama wants one for the Cheo Centre.
Balai completed whitewashing and painting today. I’ve even paid him for his services. I blessed him and told him that now that he has completed the project’s work, he’ll probably get a nice bride soon. He was quite embarrassed and said he has now decided not to get married. I know it’s not true.
Ever since I got back all I’ve been doing is sleep and sleep. It’s going to be back to routine from tomorrow. And you can also expect regular updates.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Ready to Leave
I'm still in Kolkata and feeling guilty about being away from the project. But I'd rather finish what I came here for than have to come back every now and then. This time when I get back to the project I hope to stay put for a couple of months at least before I even consider a break. At least, that's my plan. But as we all know, things don't always work out as planned.
The news from the project is good. The whitewashing work is over and the iron windows in the "staff building" are being painted. Hopefully, by today or tomorrow, it will all be finished. According to Bansi "sab thik hai". Those words worry me because in the past whenever people on the project had informed me that "all is well", I've had to go back and clean up a lot of mess!
School is going ok with Bansi and Nilambar following the routine I chalked out for them. Class 4 kids are busy finishing the assignments I had given them. But yes, they could do with some actual teaching. I can't wait to go back and make it up to them.
I'm glad I've given up the flat in Kolkata's Santoshpur. I feel relieved, in fact. It's great to be in Mitali's place. Don't have to worry about food or getting my clothes washed. And what's more important is that I am not wasting money on a flat that I rarely use!
Mitali's address was being used for Dakshinayan anyway. Yesterday we got the parcels that Yvonne sent for the school. I haven't opened them as yet as they are so neatly packed that I don't want to tamper with them. But I am curious to see what's in them anyway. There are four parcels in all.
Graham, a volunteer, is expected on the project on the 25th. That's great because we will have an English teacher. I am quite looking forward to his presence. Hope he'll like the project.
That's all for the moment. Hope my next post will be from the project.
The news from the project is good. The whitewashing work is over and the iron windows in the "staff building" are being painted. Hopefully, by today or tomorrow, it will all be finished. According to Bansi "sab thik hai". Those words worry me because in the past whenever people on the project had informed me that "all is well", I've had to go back and clean up a lot of mess!
School is going ok with Bansi and Nilambar following the routine I chalked out for them. Class 4 kids are busy finishing the assignments I had given them. But yes, they could do with some actual teaching. I can't wait to go back and make it up to them.
I'm glad I've given up the flat in Kolkata's Santoshpur. I feel relieved, in fact. It's great to be in Mitali's place. Don't have to worry about food or getting my clothes washed. And what's more important is that I am not wasting money on a flat that I rarely use!
Mitali's address was being used for Dakshinayan anyway. Yesterday we got the parcels that Yvonne sent for the school. I haven't opened them as yet as they are so neatly packed that I don't want to tamper with them. But I am curious to see what's in them anyway. There are four parcels in all.
Graham, a volunteer, is expected on the project on the 25th. That's great because we will have an English teacher. I am quite looking forward to his presence. Hope he'll like the project.
That's all for the moment. Hope my next post will be from the project.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Still in Kolkata
As the title suggests, I am still in Kolkata. Hopefully, I will be able to go back to the project by the end of next week. There's still a bit of work left here and perhaps we'll be able to wrap it all up by next weekend.
Today, of course, I am busy with the "move". I've packed most of my stuff and at the moment waiting for the electrician to show up to "unplug" my electrical fittings -- fans, switch-boxes, etc. Then I need to go out and find a mini-truck that will be willing to transport all this to Mitali's home. It will certainly crowd up her place!
I've been in touch with the project every day. I usually call at the crack of dawn to ensure that everyone wakes up on time and also give instructions for the day. According to Bansi all goes well at the project. The school is doing ok and actually, now that construction work has come to a stand-still, there's little else to do. Even the garbage pit has been dug up. Only some whitewashing and painting work is left. I got news that Balai will start work on that today.
Poor Balai, he's desperate to get married. People in his village have been egging him on. He got his house repaired, then he dug up a well so that his wife would not have to go to the pond to have a wash. And just when he was all set, his prospective father-in-law came to him. Unfortunately, he entered the wrong house by mistake and guess what? He decided to get his daughter married off to the son of the house owner!!! Poor Balai. He's terribly disappointed. Naturally. But above all, is convinced that he is not getting married because he hasn't finished work at the ashram! So now he has decided to come and finish the work at the ashram, seek Baba's blessings and then go and get married. Hmmmm.....
Today is Valentine's Day. I never liked the idea of earmarking one day in the year to show "love". But this year, because the "self-appointed moral police", I have decided to wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day.
Today, of course, I am busy with the "move". I've packed most of my stuff and at the moment waiting for the electrician to show up to "unplug" my electrical fittings -- fans, switch-boxes, etc. Then I need to go out and find a mini-truck that will be willing to transport all this to Mitali's home. It will certainly crowd up her place!
I've been in touch with the project every day. I usually call at the crack of dawn to ensure that everyone wakes up on time and also give instructions for the day. According to Bansi all goes well at the project. The school is doing ok and actually, now that construction work has come to a stand-still, there's little else to do. Even the garbage pit has been dug up. Only some whitewashing and painting work is left. I got news that Balai will start work on that today.
Poor Balai, he's desperate to get married. People in his village have been egging him on. He got his house repaired, then he dug up a well so that his wife would not have to go to the pond to have a wash. And just when he was all set, his prospective father-in-law came to him. Unfortunately, he entered the wrong house by mistake and guess what? He decided to get his daughter married off to the son of the house owner!!! Poor Balai. He's terribly disappointed. Naturally. But above all, is convinced that he is not getting married because he hasn't finished work at the ashram! So now he has decided to come and finish the work at the ashram, seek Baba's blessings and then go and get married. Hmmmm.....
Today is Valentine's Day. I never liked the idea of earmarking one day in the year to show "love". But this year, because the "self-appointed moral police", I have decided to wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Sunday in Kolkata
For once I am glad for Sunday. The past week has been hectic and tense. Sometimes up and sometimes down. I'm glad to be able to just lol around and watch tv. Fill my stomach with junk food. Perhaps listen to some music and be online.
I just got off the phone. I was talking to Bansi. He says construction work is over. Some labourers are digging a pit in the eastern corner. This is going to be the garbage pit. Yesterday, the children dung plastered the classroom floors. Great. The place must be looking nice and clean and well-kept. So when am I going back? I still don't know. Soon I hope.
Dakshinayan's website needs revamping. So I called Tejpal this morning to enquire if he can find the time to do something. He has promised to find time. But I know he's too busy. I do hope he'll find a solution to this problem.
I just got off the phone. I was talking to Bansi. He says construction work is over. Some labourers are digging a pit in the eastern corner. This is going to be the garbage pit. Yesterday, the children dung plastered the classroom floors. Great. The place must be looking nice and clean and well-kept. So when am I going back? I still don't know. Soon I hope.
Dakshinayan's website needs revamping. So I called Tejpal this morning to enquire if he can find the time to do something. He has promised to find time. But I know he's too busy. I do hope he'll find a solution to this problem.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Tak's Birthday
I had posted this entry at the rediffiland site. But many people complained that they couldn't open the site. So I'm now back to good old blogspot. I also felt that it would be a good idea to post re-post this particular entry here. I was first published on 1st February.
I wished to start posting the
entries here from the 1st of February. But yesterday was Tak's birthday and after the bonfire and birthday party, I was too tired to switch on the laptop write about it.
It was a Sunday. So there was no teaching to do. But still it was quite hectic for everyone. The girls did a lot of washing. Bansi and Nilambar went to get the windows welded. There was toilet cleaning, etc. etc. Everyone was busy. But in the evening, Bhola came with the cake, chips and pepsi cola and we gave Tak a surprise. I think she was expecting something of this sort because we had celebrated Bansi's birthday in a similar fashion. I think the cat was out of the bag when I mentioned that we'd have a bonfire. And even though I called it the farewell bonfire for Renee and Karoline, I'm sure Tak guessed that the "birthday party" was in the offing.
It went off as usual. The bonfire was lit by Bansi and Suman. Tak cut the cake. We ate some. Drank some cola. Sat around the bonfire. The girls talked amongst themselves. The men kept quiet. Then it was time for dinner. I decided to skip dinner. So did Renee, who was not feeling too well. She had been out in the sun for a long time and we suspect she had sun stroke.
In fact she was quite ill this morning. I felt a bit bad about letting her travel to Kolkata like this. But it made sense that she should go to Kolkata instead of staying here. Not that she wanted to. Her travel plans were made and Kaz and she were scheduled to leave anyway. In Kolkat, if need be, she can see a doctor. Here that would not be possible.
Dani and Tak are left on the project. They are leaving for Kolkata tomorrow. I will leave with them too. I'll probably catch the bus at Poreya Haat as I have to make labour payment, etc. before I leave. Besides, they will be busy with police work. I don't want to be hanging around in Godda for three hours. I hate going there.
Nilambar taught for the first time in this school. He attended my class in the morning to see how I teach and then he was on his own. I'll have to work out a routine again. There will be no volunteers. So it will be up to me, Bansi and Nilambar to teach five classes. I'm sure it can be done.
The plastering of the wall is almost complete. A few more hours of work and it will be all over. Tomorrow they will fix the welded windows in staff quarters. And then we will call Balai to whitewash the rooms and some portions of the boundary wall. I want to give construction work a break -- mostly because we have run out of funds.
Bansi has gone home for the night. He'll be back tomorrow morning. He'll have breakfast here.
It was a Sunday. So there was no teaching to do. But still it was quite hectic for everyone. The girls did a lot of washing. Bansi and Nilambar went to get the windows welded. There was toilet cleaning, etc. etc. Everyone was busy. But in the evening, Bhola came with the cake, chips and pepsi cola and we gave Tak a surprise. I think she was expecting something of this sort because we had celebrated Bansi's birthday in a similar fashion. I think the cat was out of the bag when I mentioned that we'd have a bonfire. And even though I called it the farewell bonfire for Renee and Karoline, I'm sure Tak guessed that the "birthday party" was in the offing.
It went off as usual. The bonfire was lit by Bansi and Suman. Tak cut the cake. We ate some. Drank some cola. Sat around the bonfire. The girls talked amongst themselves. The men kept quiet. Then it was time for dinner. I decided to skip dinner. So did Renee, who was not feeling too well. She had been out in the sun for a long time and we suspect she had sun stroke.
In fact she was quite ill this morning. I felt a bit bad about letting her travel to Kolkata like this. But it made sense that she should go to Kolkata instead of staying here. Not that she wanted to. Her travel plans were made and Kaz and she were scheduled to leave anyway. In Kolkat, if need be, she can see a doctor. Here that would not be possible.
Dani and Tak are left on the project. They are leaving for Kolkata tomorrow. I will leave with them too. I'll probably catch the bus at Poreya Haat as I have to make labour payment, etc. before I leave. Besides, they will be busy with police work. I don't want to be hanging around in Godda for three hours. I hate going there.
Nilambar taught for the first time in this school. He attended my class in the morning to see how I teach and then he was on his own. I'll have to work out a routine again. There will be no volunteers. So it will be up to me, Bansi and Nilambar to teach five classes. I'm sure it can be done.
The plastering of the wall is almost complete. A few more hours of work and it will be all over. Tomorrow they will fix the welded windows in staff quarters. And then we will call Balai to whitewash the rooms and some portions of the boundary wall. I want to give construction work a break -- mostly because we have run out of funds.
Bansi has gone home for the night. He'll be back tomorrow morning. He'll have breakfast here.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Change of Scene but No Change!
This post comes to you from Kolkata. I'm here on personal business this time. But that does not mean I'm not doing Dakshinayan's work. I'm going to use this opportunity to get in touch with all those who have been supporting our work to see if they wish to continue supporting us, write a monthly newsletter, etc. etc.
I spoke to Rahul yesterday and he's very surprised that the solar panels haven't arrived. I hope he will be able to speed up the process and I will be able to take them back to the project with me when I return. When do I get to go back? I don't know. As soon as I can, I guess....
Things are fine on the project. The volunteers have left. Bansi and Nilambar are taking care of classes Nursery, One, Two and Three. I've given class Four kids a lot of work to do and so they will be busy till I get back. Construction work is over. So there's no pressure on those who are there. The project will keep ticking till I get back. I'd love to be back as soon as possible because this is the best season to be out there. The Palas will start blooming soon. Oh what a wonderful sight that's going to be.
I've been so busy with meetings since I came here that I haven't been able to visit Renee who's at Woodlands Nursing Home ever since she arrived in Kolkata. She was ill with a bad stomach on the day she was to leave. The situation got worse when she arrived in Kolkata and so she decided to check into a nursing home instead of a hotel. Wise decision. I just spoke to her and she said nothing was seriously wrong. She was dehydrated and of course had diarrhoea. She's fine and will probably be out of hospital in a couple of days. Karoline is with her. So they are both fine. I'm relieved.
I met Danielle and Katherine for a quick lunch yesterday. They were their usual bubbly self. It was nice meeting them and I hope they will enjoy their travels. They left for Varanasi yesterday.
Well, that's all the news I have to offer at the moment. It's time to get ready and go for yet another meeting. Suman's not here to serve breakfast so I guess I'll just pick something up on the way.
And for those who have been following the blog, I have decided to keep writing here. The other website seems to have some glitches. Some people have written in saying that the site does not open! That's sad. I'm glad I didn't write much there. So visit this place whenever you find the time. And please do write in once in a while so that I know I'm not talking to empty space!
I spoke to Rahul yesterday and he's very surprised that the solar panels haven't arrived. I hope he will be able to speed up the process and I will be able to take them back to the project with me when I return. When do I get to go back? I don't know. As soon as I can, I guess....
Things are fine on the project. The volunteers have left. Bansi and Nilambar are taking care of classes Nursery, One, Two and Three. I've given class Four kids a lot of work to do and so they will be busy till I get back. Construction work is over. So there's no pressure on those who are there. The project will keep ticking till I get back. I'd love to be back as soon as possible because this is the best season to be out there. The Palas will start blooming soon. Oh what a wonderful sight that's going to be.
I've been so busy with meetings since I came here that I haven't been able to visit Renee who's at Woodlands Nursing Home ever since she arrived in Kolkata. She was ill with a bad stomach on the day she was to leave. The situation got worse when she arrived in Kolkata and so she decided to check into a nursing home instead of a hotel. Wise decision. I just spoke to her and she said nothing was seriously wrong. She was dehydrated and of course had diarrhoea. She's fine and will probably be out of hospital in a couple of days. Karoline is with her. So they are both fine. I'm relieved.
I met Danielle and Katherine for a quick lunch yesterday. They were their usual bubbly self. It was nice meeting them and I hope they will enjoy their travels. They left for Varanasi yesterday.
Well, that's all the news I have to offer at the moment. It's time to get ready and go for yet another meeting. Suman's not here to serve breakfast so I guess I'll just pick something up on the way.
And for those who have been following the blog, I have decided to keep writing here. The other website seems to have some glitches. Some people have written in saying that the site does not open! That's sad. I'm glad I didn't write much there. So visit this place whenever you find the time. And please do write in once in a while so that I know I'm not talking to empty space!
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