Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mahalaya and Change of Weather

It's 5:30 pm but it already seems like 7:00! It's dark outside. And for the first time since I arrived in Bolpur, I am able to sit without switching on the fan. I won't say it's cool -- if I move around I'll feel warm. But the weather is pleasant. And it all happened rather suddenly.

There was a sort of storm in the afternoon yesterday. And suddenly a cool breeze started to blow and the weather started improving. Today it has been drizzling since morning and right now it is quite pleasant. I wonder if it will stay this way or go back to being hot and humid all over again. We've had this phenomenon before. It cools down for a day or two and then becomes hot and humid all over again!

Apparently, it's a lot cooler on the project too. It has rained a bit in Roldih and even though it hasn't helped the farmers, it has made the weather cooler and bearable. Classes are still starting from 7 am and finishing by 11. So it couldn't have cooled down too much. But in comparision to the heat wave conditions we have been putting up with for the past few months, anything would seem cooler.

And talking about school, I've arrived at a decision regarding the academic year. Instead off starting the year in January and ending in December, I've decided to follow the same pattern as other schools in the state -- start in April and end in March. So the current academic  year is going to end in March 2011 instead of December 2010. Why?

Well, the decision had something to do with the inflow of volunteers and the weather. Most volunteers come during the winter months and even for us Indians, it's more pleasant during the winter months. Hopefully, we will find more Indian volunteer teachers. For me too, I'll probably spend more time on the project during the winter months. So why not have classes right through the winter months? I've discussed it with Mitali annd then Bhola and they both think it's a great idea. That's how most schools function anyway. Do we always have to be different? This will also be good for the kids leaving our school. They won't have to wait for 3 months to join another school.

Today is Mahalaya -- the advent of the Durga. The festivities are about to begin soon. I was hoping to go to Kolkata but decided that it will put pressure on my already strained finances! So I'm staying put here in Bolpur and will be spending my time reading books and magazines. Hopefully towards the end of the festivities, Mitali and her husband Raj will be coming over and perhaps we can go around and see a few idols then. For me that will be enough.

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