Sunday, July 5, 2009

A strange Sunday. I woke up feeling rather unwell. In fact, I had a restless night. Slept fitfully and at times I felt that perhaps I had fever. At the same time, I felt too tired to get up and check.

So I took it easy in the morning. Got out of bed at 5:30 am. Sat around till breakfast time at 8:00 am. And then I felt somewhat better. So spent a lot of time trying to catalogue the pictures in my collection. I also pottered around a bit with the solar panels. And somehow the day passed.

At 5:00 pm Suman called to say that he was feeling unwell and would be back on the 7th. He had gone home yesterday in the morning promising to be back by this evening. When Bhola called to find out if we could get him a doctor or even medicines, he was very curt on the phone. I thought perhaps Bhola was over reacting. So I called him to see if he needed anything. And he was rude with me too! Hmmm... this won't do! And this is not the first time he's gone home and failed to come back on time. Earlier he was very punctual about coming back. But not any more. Anyway, I'll have a talk with him when he get's back. Maybe it's time for him to leave too!

Bhola was supposed to go to Kolkata tomorrow. But has postponed his trip because Suman is not here and he doesn't want to leave me alone. But after the way Suman spoke to me today, I might be better off staying on my own! I know a lot of people are unhappy with me these days. I've destroyed the "nest" -- which suited not only people living on the project, but also those not living on it!

Richard is getting quite integrated. Bhola is more active now that he is staying at home. Poor Khagen is landed with more work. But he's quite sporting and everyone (including me!) helps him with his chores.

No yoga today. I've decided to give it a break. Hope I will feel well enough to continue my practise from tomorrow. The weather is really strange. Cool one moment. Hot and sweaty the next. It's not surprising that I'm not feeling too good. Besides, I think I tend to foget my age when I start doing the asanas! I push my body to do things that I used to do when I was 30! What to do? The heart still feels young!

1 comment:

Sim said...

DON'T LET SUMAN GO! Courtesy should certainly be expected, but you yourself have always said that is the most dependable and hardest worker on the project (save maybe Bhola). Plus, Suman is just a super-cool guy.

Oh, and speaking of Bhola, can you send my congratulations to Bhola on the new baby. How wonderful.