Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Maybe the monsoon is here. We had a shower just as school started. Then a brief one in the afternoon. Then brilliant sunshine and now once again a brief shower. It's some relief from the heat. But still quite worrysome for the farmers. They have not been able to plough their fields as yet! For paddy, one needs lots and lots of water. And that kind of water is not falling from the skies. But at least there's some hope that the monsoon may start in earnest soon, even if delayed.

The day was routine. School. Khagen and Suman doing their thing. Bhola had gone to Godda. And today after a long, long time, I cooked. It didn't turn out too bad. But I think the kitchen is now going to get reorganized or someone will get the sack!

The good news is that I got a call from Sonia and also an email from her informing us that Dakshinayan is going to get the 10 "waterfall" laptops from Intel. The Committee that decides such things have agreed to give us the 10 laptops we had requested. They need to be picked up from the warehouse in Bangalore. I've already contacted Rahul to see how he could help.

These laptops won't have hard disks. They are removed for security reasons and so new hard disks have to be installed. Once again, I've requested Rahul to see how he can help. 

But all this is good news and exciting news. The kids have been looking forward to not having to share the laptops. Right now there are three kids to one laptop. 

It's now time for my yoga. More tomorrow. Hopefully.

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