The well-diggers are finding it hard going. I can't understand why. It's the same quality of soil. And it soaks under water and should be softer. But somehow they are finding it difficult to dig through more layers of it. The well, if they manage to dig another two feet, should be 26 feet deep. Deep enough? No. Because this morning when we used a pump to pump out the water, it took hardly 10 minutes to empty out the well! So the
well-diggers are cursing and slogging away. I only hope they don't give up before it's 30 feet deep. That's the minimum depth we will need to ensure that there's water in the well throughout summer.
Village visit timings have changed. When they first started, the team was going out at 3:00. Then it was 3:30. Now it is 4:00 pm. It's getting hotter and the sun is quite strong even at 4:00. Maybe in a few days it will be sensible to leave at 5:00. But 4:00 is a good time to go as it's one way of making sure people are at home. Any later and they may all go away to do whatever they have to do before nightfall. It may not be comfortable for the team. But work is work.
Yesterday we had a grand meal under the moon. The kitchen "dining table" was taken out and we had a dinner of "litthi and chutney" -- a typical Bihari dish. Usually they are baseball sized balls made from wheat dough with a stuffing of chickpea powder (sattu) mixed with chopped up onions, chillies, ginger and pickle oil. The balls are usually roasted in an open oven. But Bhola, who made it, decided to make them like stuffed parathas. He fried them. They were delicious and the chutney (dip) was made from ground chickpea and tamarid. Yummy.
After dinner we had a meeting. We decided to give people individual responsibility for various tasks on the project. And this is what was decided:
School: NILAMBAR (to be assisted by Bansi)
Village Contact: NILAMBAR (to be assisted by Bhola, Bansi and Khagen)
Kitchen: SUMAN (to be assisted by Khagen)
Storekeeping: BANSI (to be assisted by Khagen)
Project Property and New Construction: BHOLA (to be assisted by Bansi)
Upkeep of Trees and Farming: KHAGEN (to be assisted by Nilambar)
Project Coordination, Purchases and Outside Work: BHOLA
Not everyone is happy with this arrangement. But all the new people seem quite enthused and radiating a lot of positive energy. For once, I can see a team building up. I hope their enthusiasm will remain despite the negative attitude of some. If they work as a team, I'm sure the project will move forward and break out the rut it has been stuck in for the past few years.
The children were very happy that their works have been put on the net. I forgot to take more pictures. But I'll put up a few more of their poems. Kartik wrote a poem too. And yes, like you, I too was surprised that Kartik knew so much about what goes on here after school hours. But I shouldn't be. Some people on the project have very old ties with Burhikura. And in this day and age of cell phones, I'm sure everything get's reported to certain people in Burhikura.
My house has a get
I have a pet
I drink water with mug
My house has a jug
My house has wood
I eat food
I were (wear) a hat
My house has a mat
My House by Stella Tudu
My house is a big
The colour is white and red
I live in a my house
Is mother brother and me
My sister name is a Susilla
And my brother name was Surendr
All live in a my house
It is a nice house.
A Kite by Lata Kumari
Look at kite
The kite is white
The kite is red
On the bed
The kite is small
The tial is big
The kite fly
On the sky
There's a lot more from where they came! I'll be putting up a few more over the next few days. I'll also let you know how things are working out now that people have been given specific responsibilities.
Now I'll go and see what the well-diggers are up to.
I love the children's writing! Please tell them Ms. Novak says, Excellent! and keep writing! I bet moist soil is much heavier and the confined space has to be challenging. I'd make a horrible well digger. Sounds as though there is a strong team and vision shaping up at the project. Thanks as always for these posts!
All the poems are great, I particularly liked 'my get' and kartik's neem tree. Same request from my side too- please tell the kids that i am missing them and i love them all.
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