Thursday, July 5, 2012

Bruni is Back

When the children were leaving school we asked them if they had spotted Bruni.  A few of them claimed they had seen her in Siayarkatia, close to Devadand. And an hour later she was at the gates demanding to be let in. She had obviously sprinted all the way from there to the project. So the question is: does she understand human language? How did she know we were back? Did other dogs inform her? It's one of nature's mysteries. But we are happy she is back and obviously she's happy to see us. But Bruni has changed.

She no longer jumps on you when she sees you. She no longer demands food or biscuits -- patiently waits to be given something to eat. She no longer bangs on the gates to be let in. And it's obvious that she prefers to spend off the project than on it. As soon as the gates are opened in the morning to let in the school children, she leaves and comes back only in the late afternoon. She, however, insists on sleeping under my bed and spend more time sticking to Mitali who never tires of petting her. But unlike before, she no longer demands to be petted.

School is doing fine. At least it is regular. Mitali is still teaching Class 2 and all those kids are doing these days is learn English, English and more English. Mitali is making up for lost time. Raju and Susanti are teaching in their respective classes. But seem to be doing little else. No village visits and apart of helping Shanku with cooking, nothing else on the project. I don't like their tendencies of asking the school kids to do personal chores. I've already warned them, but I don't think it has much effect.

Shanku is doing most of the project work -- cooking, cleaning and taking care of the guests -- Mitali and me. Mitali is at least teaching. I am doing nothing.

It has been raining since yesterday -- off and on. We had some heavy rains yesterday. The weather has become cooler. But I have not been able to enjoy any of it as I have been quite ill with flu since yesterday morning. I'm a bit better today, but still feeling under the weather. What a pity.

School timings have changed. Before we arrived, school was starting at 6:30 and finishing at 9:00. Now it starts at 7:30 and goes on till 11:00. This is possible because the weather has improved considerably. Perhaps that explains the near 100% attendance.

I can hear thunder. I can hear the children playing in the field. It's break time. Good sounds. I am somewhat at peace. Om shanti, shanti, shantih....

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