But why photography groups? Well, to begin with, they are the only groups I know. And I want people to experience the place -- the beauty of the project and its surrounding. I also somehow believe that the passion for photography takes people to places where most people would not be willing to go.
Perhaps I am not so wrong considering that I was able to convince a small group to visit the project with me when I went there on the 14th of this month. With me were Utpal Dutt, Srikumar Bhattacharya and his wife Dwipanita, Deepak Mitra and his wife Sorbani and Runa.
The road to Roldih is now very good and so it wasn't a tiring trip and we reached there just as school was ending. Repair work was underway too. We had picked up Bhola from Dewdandr and so he helped to organize a simple lunch for us with the help of Pushpa, Shankar and Mangal. The former two are back and have restarted school and Mangal seems to be a permanent fixture on the project these days. He also gives tuitions to some of our ex-students who are now enrolled in government schools elsewhere.
Parvati, who is now married and living near Masanjore, happened to be home and came over to visit me and was complaining to all that I had abandoned her when she was still a little girl! Hemanti and her cousin from Rai tola, came for tuition and were happy to find me there. They have all grown so big in the five years that I have been away!

The verandah of the "volunteer room" was completely destroyed. They have managed to retrieve some of the corrugated tin sheets that were blown away and Bhola says that most of them can be reused.
Bhola says my room should be ready within a week. Work is ongoing at the moment and Bhola has sent me some pictures which I am inserting here.
My room and verandah without the roof
My room and verandah without the roof
We are increasing the height of the wall at the back so that the slope is steeper and there will be no water stagnating on the roof after the rains. Bhola was talking about extending the verandah. I don't know what it will finally look like, but it may be useful to have a bigger verandah, especially during the rains.
The back of my room as seen from the road
Once my room is ready, we will start work on repairing Baba's temple. One of the pillars is in critical condition and if we don't fix it soon, the entire roof may come down. Here's a picture of the temple:
I don't know what happened to me while I was on the project. I had my camera with me and I had gone there with the intention of taking pictures of the project. But once there, I forgot all about my camera. So this morning I called Bhola and asked him to send me a few pictures and these were sent by him. I must mention how much I appreciate Bhola's help. He is no longer a staff member. Yet he does so much for the project. I do appreciate his contribution.
We didn't stay long on the project. I had to get back before dark as I can't see very well after sunset because of the cataract I have in my right eye. But it was a great trip for all concerned. My friends got to see an authentic santhal village that hasn't changed much (though there's electricity now). I was happy to be back home even if it was for a short while. Also, I managed to bring back some mangoes -- and I just had one. They are very sweet!
I should also mention that I got a call from Rahul a few days ago. He said he was sending any money right away but would be willing to send whatever we need whenever we need it. That's a great assurance!
By the way, is anyone reading the blog? I am not getting any comments. So I have no way of knowing. Please leave a comment if you read this. Thank you.
Good to hear. Remember to take the pics next time.
I've Read it.
Read it!
It was a great trip to Roldih. the project is quite impressive. wish all the success to Siddharth da.
Dear Siddhart, I read your blog with pictures of Dakshinayan popping up in my mind. I miss this wonderful place on earth and the lovely people and very often I tell my German friends about life in rural India so they can even see their own situation in a diffrent light. That helps a lot! I have my own children now. Samuel and Til are 11 and 6 years old now. I wish I could show them Dakshinayan or join you with a photographers group. That is a great idea. Best wishes to Parhapur and all of you!! Annika
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