Sunday, April 17, 2011


On 5th April evening the Austrian volunteer, Philip Auinger and me, we left for the project on the night bus from Kolkata and was picked up by Bhola in a private taxi from Porayahat early next morning. The weather was balmy on the way. In Roldih the weather was hot and dry but it cooled down in the evenings so there was some respite. Also, the funny thing about the weather there is that when it becomes too hot it is a sure sign of the rains or at least a storm cooling everything down.

We had the Bihar famous litti one evening for dinner. Bhola is an expert at it and brought all the things needed to make it. It is supposed to be made in cowdung cakes fire and the litties were put in the fire to dry roast for some time. Then they were taken out and dunked in ghee(clarified butter) and a spicy chutney was made on the side and also, mashed potatoes with spices. The whole affair was quite enjoyable and we ate under the stars outside the kitchen. Bhola’s father was our guest as he brought in the much needed ghee in the last moment as the previously bought ghee could not be found.

During the day, Philip and I both taught English in classIII and classIV as those two classes were missing their English lessons so far. We took turns in alternating both the classes so that the kids don’t get bored and the classes were kept interactive. In fact, after I came away also, Philip was using the same technique and bhola is guarding the alternate class where Philip is leaving the kids to do some work and going to the other class to teach. I have told the children that intensive English classes will go on if I or the volunteers are on the project so, as not to be absent during those days. The satisfaction of teaching the kids was high as usual and I returned to Kolkata on the night bus from Godda.

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