Friday, August 6, 2010

Bolpur Blues III

Got a few extra plug points installed in the house yesterday. The electrician took all day to put them in the kitchen, dining area, living room and my office. He works very well. But is very slow and very methodical. Anyway, I think the Bolpur house is all set. Now to start work!

Honestly, I don't know where to begin. I'm already sent out feelers to the secretary of a club down the lane. Apparently they used to have classes for poor children but discontinued because they couldn't find volunteers. I've already mentioned that I am willing to volunteer... but there's a bit of a problem here -- the "club" is politically sponsored and the "club members" apparently only gather there to drink! I don't know how true this is. But that's the rumor that's floating around.

I am wondering if I should start a new blog about my days in Bolpur. Dakshinayan Diary can become Roldih Ramblings and Bolpur events can be recorded in Bolpur Blues..... any comments or suggestions?


Yvonne said...

In the end, I think people are following you, Siddharth--for both the Dakshinayan news and whatever adventures and endeavors you take on away from therel, as well as your "old man" philosophising. That said, "Bolpur Blues" and "Roldih Ramblings" are snappy titles! I would suggest you follow the format that feels the least laborious and most right to you.

Rajeev Pareek said...

I agree with Yvonne