Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The monsoon has definitely failed us this year. Even if it starts pouring from tomorrow, it's too late. But at the moment, there's no hope of even that happening. The clouds come and go. Even a few that look pregnant with rain. But it does not rain. The saplings we planted are wilting. We are keeping them alive with buckets of water, but what they need is rain -- pore soaking rain. The other trees too have waited all year for this season and now they are thirsty. Unlike animals, they can't even go to a water source! Some are reaching towards heaven as if in supplication. Others have given up the fight. Their branches are drooping like the shoulders of the farmers who are slowly giving up hope. No one smiles any more.

Some villagers wanted to paddy threshing machines. They were to come and hand over and application. They haven't come. When Bhola met them he asked why they hadn't shown up. They said what's the point? We'll have no paddy to thresh this year. It's that bad. How will they survive?

The Paharias up in the hills seem a happy lot though. Ramnath was here. He seemed worried and I asked him if he was concerned about the lack of rain. He said no. He was concerned that people up in the hills seemed to have lost interest in farming. Lost interest in farming? What will they survive on? I asked. There are no forests left either. He shrugged his shoulders and said that that is precisely why he was worried. People have lost interest in farming because the government is giving them free rice! The Paharias are getting free rice! So they see no need to farm any more! Hmmmmm... What happens when the government decides they can't give them free rice any more?

It's been a routine day for school. But Bhola has managed to find a couple of labourers and so some work got done around the project. We still haven't found anyone willing to help us complete the second well. Things like this makes me wish for a famine! At least then people would be willing to work! Or maybe they'll just sit back and expect to get handouts. Who knows...

Bruni's not well. She didn't eat the biscuits I gave her. Khagen is not well, though one doesn't know what's wrong with him. Suman is not well because he's constipated...

1 comment:

Franca said...

Hi. I keep reading your blog, once in a while. And I miss news from this 14th July... already a week ago... what happens? are those people and Bruni well again? Hope you too!
