Friday, June 26, 2009

Bhola, Khagen and Richard have gone to visit some village. Suman is busy cooking. I'm writing the blog and will then go for my yoga practise! Yes, I'm doing yoga quite seriously these days because I want to be ready for two crazy creatures from Oz who plan to visit in January. I promised them that I'd teach them yoga. Also, I need to do it to keep my sanity in this insane world! Crazy heat and even crazier people all round!

Just got a call from Rahul. He's amazed that no one wants to take up the offer of going to Delhi to receive free trainning in the use the computers for income generation! But that's the reality of life here. Bhola and I are doing whatever we can to inform people that this possibility exists. But it seems no one is interested. I've talked to the supervisor of the company that is supposed to set up CSCs in Jharkhand. He said that most people agreed to become Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs) because they were getting the solar panels. They computers are still lying unpacked. And they did invest 15,000. But that's a deposit they know they'll get back. Anyway, we'll see if the programme does take off. If not, we will continue in our small way to spread computer awareness through out school kids. 

To keep my mind off the heat, these days I'm creating an archive for the village visit reports. Bhola is helping me with this work when he's here. I am encouraging him to spend more and more time at home and come here only when we need him. 

Well, that's all from me for now. I'm off to do my yoga. 

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