Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm using the chilren's Classmate PC to write this blog. My laptop is in Devdand at Bhola's place getting charged. All the batteries on the project have run down except the one in the kitchen. But that's used exclusively to light the bulb there and so it's used sparingly.

The other batteries are depleted because they aren't getting charged properly. Ever since I set up the solar system the sky has been overcast. It makes the weather quite pleasant, but it is certainly putting a spanner in the works as far as battery charging is concerned.

What's wierd is that ever since we changed the routine and started school earlier because of the heat, it hasn't been hot at all! No sun, hence no heat. As I mentioned earlier, the weather is quite nice. It's quite cool. But at times humid, though not uncomfortable. But there's been no rain at all! That's amazing too. It has rained all around this place but somehow rain seems to avoid us!

I have some issues with this Classmate PC (cmpc). The keyboard is small and the screen too. While it is extremely portable and sturdy, it makes typing very difficult.

Sunday was not a relaxed day for anyone. Bansi and Nilambar were busy with painting work. Bhola was running around trying to find a mason and well-diggers. Khagen had gone home. Suman was busy in the kitchen. I spent most of my time setting up a new blog for the Intel Learn Programme. Check it out at

I also moved the Volunteer's Dakshinayan blog to It is now part of the Dakshinayan blog. I any of you can't access it or need permission to upload stuff, please contact me. I am hoping some more of you will write something there.

I woke up with a fever this morning. Nothing serious, but I do lack energy. I tried to rest but too much was going on. Bhola finally got someone to set up the handpump at the new well. I didn't have the energy to go there and get a picture. I'll do that tomorrow. More painting work was done and I was trying to work on somethings.

Anyway, that's all from me for now. I don't have the energy to write more. More when I get my own laptop back.

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