Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Everyone's busy moving the kitchen from where it is to what was class 2 this morning. Why? Many reasons: we want classes Nursery, one and two to be next to each other. Nilambar, Bansi and Khagen are teaching those classes. And they are close to where they reside. These classes get off earlier than classes 3 and 4. So they will be able to leave without disturbing anyone.

The kitchen is too far for me to keep an eye on what's happening there. Now it's closer and I can peep in once in a while to see what Suman is up to! Also, I never liked the idea of people coming to the project and then walking right into the kitchen. Now, since it's closer to me, they won't do that. Also, Suman won't have to walk too far to bring me my chai and cigarettes. Yes, Suman is my cigarette keeper. It's my effort to cut down on my smoking.

A couple of more reasons why the kitchen has been shifted. Now I'll know if Suman is really getting any help. Last time I walked into the kitchen, I found Bansi sleeping on the bench. I was under the impression he had gone in to help Suman. That's what he says whenever I ask him what he's up to. The other reason is it's just too hot inside the kitchen. So we are now eating under the banyan tree. The kitchen will now be closer.

The last reason, however, is to ensure that Suman gets some rest. He's the first to wake up. Server everyone tea, light the oven, make breakfast, wash the dishes, prepare lunch, feed everyone, was the dishes, feed the well-diggers, wash the dishes, make afternoon tea and snacks, light the oven, cook dinner, feed everyone and wash the dishes, clean up the kitchen and go to bed. I rarely see anyone else voluntarily helping Suman. If they see I'm observing, they go into the kitchen. And I just told you what happens once they are in there.

Part of the reason why Suman is running around like a headless chiken is that he is very inefficient. Perhaps I could ensure that he does things more efficiently so that he has some time to rest. In fact, I'm toying with the idea of putting everyone on kitchen duty post lunch. It's true that in the morning everyone is busy with school. So it makes sense that Suman should do the cooking. But post lunch, all the others could take turns doing kitchen duty. It may not work, because cooking dinner could become an excuse for not watering the plants or going on village visits. What amazes me, however, is that everyone seems to want to do kitchen work when volunteers are around. Perhaps because volunteers like to go to the kitchen to "interact"?

School is fine. I've given up the idea of trying to run a perfect school. So I am relaxed. All I want to ensure is that school runs regularly. That discipline is maintained and that I teach as best as I can. And if possible, make sure that the teachers do their best too. Nilambar is slowing growing out of his "government school teacher" mentality. But he is limited by his own experience as a student and then as a teacher. As for the others, it's obvious they go through the motions because it's a "cushy job" here. Hardly any work, regular meals, a decent place to stay, peaceful and undemanding and whatever they earn is a saving. And since I can't hope for any better kind in this region, I've stopped trying to run a "perfect school". What's the use? Whatever they learn here, they'll probably unlearn when they go to the other schools in the area, if at all they go to school after they leave here.

The second well is being dug. It's 6 feet deep. They can take their time. I'm relaxed about it. We now have an alternative source of water besides the hand pump, so I feel water-secure. It's very, very hot suddenly. So well-digging has become very hard work. The heat is enervating. Fortunately, the evenings are cool. And still somewhat chilly in the early mornings. In a way, I'm glad I'm headed for Bangalore tomorrow. It's cooler there. But the bus journey to Kolkata to catch the train may be difficult. I believe it's very hot and humid in that city. I'm glad my stop-over will be for a few hours only. Just enough time to pack, buy a few presents, get a shave and haircut and head for the airconditioned coach that will take me on a 36-hour journey to a pleasantly cool city. Must remember to take a book!

Tomorrow is 15th April. It's the day I laid the foundation for Roldih Ashram. It's sad that none of the people who were with me then are now part of this project. Only some of the children remember the occasion. They had all come to see the new place where their school was moving to. Raiman and Sahebram were there. They told me so today. Anyway, the plan is to do a little "puja" and distribute sweets amongst the kids. A new routine starts from tomorrow and assembly will be at 7:15. I hope the teachers are going to get ready in time.

1 comment:

Manami said...

it's been quite a while since the last time i check out this page.

i really enjoy reading blogs. it's great to know that you've got MANY WONDERFUL POETS at school!!! i love them all! please tell them that they are doing great and manami misses them a lot.

well, i can imagine how you are playing with those ideas. it's good that you are relaxed now. there are people who are satisfied with whatever they have and don't even try to do better. you cannot expect those people to be like you. i think it is important that students enjoy coming to school and learn things they don't learn at home and bring those things outside the classroom.
and, i think there is no "perfect" school because nobody is perfect. more important thing is to try as best as one can.

well, i can keep writing,,, so i guess it's better to stop somewhere here.

miss you all.
